Monitoring 147.270/R and 145.670/S(FM/DV) and 442.750/DV in Toledo, Ohio

Local Repeater Directory

Remember Your Repeater Offsets?

Typically, repeater listings are shown with the output frequency (receive).  The input frequency table to the right shows the standard input frequency (transmit) that you need to access the repeater.  Don't forget that CTCSS (PL) tone if the repeater needs one.

Need an example?

The TMRA 2 Meter Repeater is 147.270+ which means you listen on 147.270 and you transmit on 147.870 (adding 0.6 MHz).

The TMRA 1.25 Meter Repeater is 224.140- which means you listen on 224.140 and you transmit on 222.540 (subtracting 1.6 MHz).

Output Frequency Input Frequency Offset
51-52 - 0.5 MHz
52-54 - 1.0 MHz
144.51-144.89 + 0.6 MHz
145.11-145.49 - 0.6 MHz
146.0-146.39 +0.6 MHz
146.61-147.0 -0.6 MHz
147.0-147.39 +0.6 MHz
147.6-147.99 -0.6 MHz
223-225 - 1.6 MHz
440-445 + 5.0 MHz
445-450 - 5.0 MHz
918-922 -12 MHz
927-928 -25 MHz
Local Repeaters I Use/Monitor (Owner/Group) Frequency  - PL tone (if needed)
Nationwide FM Simplex Calling Frequency 146.520 (I always monitor this - especially when mobile)

W8HHF - Toledo Mobile Radio Association


147.270+ (103.5)

224.140- (103.5)

442.850+ (103.5)

K8ALB - Greater Toledo Amateur Radio Association

146.610+ (103.5)

147.120+ (103.5)

W8RZM - Toledo Radio Amateur Club

146.940+ (103.5)

147.375+ (103.5)

WJ8E - Jerry Toth (local ham God)

147.345+ (103.5) (also IRLP node as follows)

You MUST id before AND after using node

503 sets repeater for IRLP access

504 returns repeater to normal/listening mode

use "D" before node number (eg. D4071)

73 to log off node

224.440- (103.5)

442.950+ (103.5)



KD8BTI - Wood County ARES


146.790+ (67.0)


K8TIH - Wood County Amateur Radio Club

147.180+ (67.0)

444.475+ (67.0)

Other Local Hams with Coordinated Repeaters Lucas County Area (Toledo, Maumee, etc)

WB8OET - Mark Collins

KB8TAK - Dan Redmond

N8UAS - Frank Hollenbeck

KI8CY - Mike Widner

KC8GWH - Jeremy Hopkins

KG8EE - Dan Gillen

W8MTU - Lucas County ARES

W8TER - Steve Bellner

WB8NLS - Larry Scott

WB8CQO - Toledo Repeater Association

224.540- (103.5)


443.300+ (103.5)

443.750+ (103.5)

443.775+ (103.5)

443.975+ (103.5)

444.025+ (103.5)

444.700+ (103.5)

444.925+ (103.5)

444.950+ (103.5)

Other Local Hams with Coordinated Repeaters Wood County Area (Bowling Green, Perrysburg, etc)
KB8YVY - Friendly Radio Amateur Team


